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     PEA SOUP Zuppa di Piselli 1 pint peas; fresh peas, canned peas or dried peas soaked over night 2 tablespoons oil or butter substitute 1 small onion 1 small carrot A sprig of parsley 2 oz. ham, fat and lean A piece of celery A bay leaf Salt, pepper Chop fine or put through a meat grinder the ham, onion, carrot and celery, add the parsley chopped or clipped fine with scissors, and the bay leaf. Fry all this in the oil until it is golden brown, but not at all scorched. Add one pint of boiling water and the peas. If this cooks away add more water as needed until the peas are tender. Rub the soup through a sieve. Serve this soup garnished with croutons or toast triangles, and send a dish of grated cheese to the table with it to be added according to individual…

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