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chicken recipes

  • Chinese Chicken Wings

    Ingredients: 30 wings (flappers only) 2 tablespoons cooking oil 1 tablespoon finely minced ginger 1 tablespoon finely minced garlic 1/4 cup minced green onions 1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes 2/3 cup rice wine 1 cup soy sauce 3 tablespoons brown sugar (mix with soy sauce) Directions: Heat wok and add oil. When oil is hot, add garlic, ginger, green onions and red pepper flakes. Fry for about 15-20 seconds, stirring and being careful to not burn garlic. Next, add wings and cook for few minutes until light brown. Also it is important during this part of cooking cycle to make sure wings get coated with garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes and green onion. Next, pour rice wine over wings and stir them for 1-2 minutes before adding the brown sugar/soy sauce mixture. Stir for about 1 minute to…

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  • Hot N’ Spicy Chicken Wings

    Hot N’ Spicy Chicken Wings

    We all love spicy chicken; except if you are allergic or you just can’t love spicy food. Being a chicken lover myself, I have collected 3 hot n’ spicy recipes for you to try out in your chicken today or anytime you would like to treat yourself for a deeelicious meal; they make good family specials as well! Although they have similar names, they are very different. Perhaps their origins differ. #1. Hot Chicken Wings Ingredients: 1 lg. can Parmesan cheese 2 tbsp. oregano 4 tbsp. parsley 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. pepper 1 stick margarine 4-5 lbs. chicken wings Directions: Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Melt margarine in small pan. Cut up chicken wings. Discard tips. Mix all dry ingredients in bowl. Dunk chicken wings in margarine and roll in cheese mixture. Place on cookie sheet.…

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