Spanish Stuffed Peppers

Stuffed Chile Pepper
Fry chile peppers until they puff under skin; cool and peel; cut out stem, and with a spoon remove seed. Prepare a mixture of any kind of meat, to a cup of meat, one tablespoon of chopped onion, one clove garlic, one-half cup tomatoes, one-half cup of sliced olives, one-fourth raisins—chopped very fine. Add one tablespoon vinegar, and cook in two tablespoons hot lard; cool and fill the chile peppers. Beat desired number of eggs separately, add a tablespoon flour, one of milk to each egg, and season with salt and red pepper. Dip chile in batter, and fry brown in hot lard, drain, sprinkle with chopped parsley; serve hot. A prepared sauce may be served over chile or a white sauce with apple, raisins, peach preserves or marmalades added to desired taste. Delicious.
Spanish Stuffed Sweet Peppers
Mix one cup of ground meat, any kind, with half cup bread, two tablespoons onion, one-half cup tomatoes, one tablespoon sugar, one-half raisins, cook all together in one tablespoon hot butter for a few minutes, cool, add one egg, salt, chile powder, fill large sweet pepper that has all seed removed, set close together and fill in between with raw tomato, salt, pinch aregano to reach top of tomatoes, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake until well done and brown.
Sweet Spanish Peppers With Sardines
Roast or scald and peel green sweet peppers, take out seed and veins, mix with half cup vinegar, half cup water, add one-half garlic button, one-half teaspoon aregano, piece of cinnamon; soak all night. Make filling of one-half cup bread, tablespoon onion, one-half cup tomatoes, tablespoon sliced olives, six seedless raisins, drain peppers and fill. Cover with melted butter, bread and grated cheese. Bake and serve hot.
Spanish Cheese and Pepper Fritters
Heat and peel green hot or sweet peppers; remove seed and fill with salt and red pepper, mixture of cheese and bread, wet in tomato juice—half and half—fasten with toothpicks; dip in egg and roll in bread; fry in deep fat; serve with Spanish sauce and circle of hard-boiled eggs.
Chiles Stuffed With Cheese
Mix half cup bread wet with one-half cup tomatoes and one-half cup Queso Mexicano (a Mexican cheese), tablespoon onion, one-half button garlic, tablespoon parsley, salt, pepper, one-fourth cup sliced olives, mushroom or raisins chopped and fried in tablespoon lard until tender. Add the bread and cheese, when cool, stuff chiles, dip in the egg batter and fry in deep fat or saute in butter. To be eaten hot served with or without sauce.
Spanish Onion
Grind one cup raw liver to a pulp, remove strings, add one whipped egg, one tablespoon onion juice, one-fourth cup cracker crumbs wet, one and one-half cup milk, one-half teaspoon salt; fill boiled onions (centers removed); cover with grated cheese, cover and cook until liver is firm. Remove cover, brown slightly, serve with a prepared Spanish sauce.
Spanish Onions
Brown two tablespoons of flour in two tablespoons butter; add two tablespoons chopped onion, two tablespoons sliced olives, two tablespoons raisins, chopped sour pickle, one tablespoon parsley, two tablespoons chopped nuts, one-half cup bread crumbs, one-half cup cooked chicken, pork or veal, one teaspoon salt. Fill{106} onions that have been boiled tender, and centers removed—pile high—put large lump cheese on top and bake. Serve with sauce made of one tablespoon butter, one tablespoon flour, two tablespoons lemon juice, one-half cup water and finely chopped parsley.
Spanish Stuffed Potatoes
Rub lard on large smooth potatoes. Bake until soft; cut off a slice and cut out center of potatoes, add two tablespoons butter, one tablespoon of finely cut parsley, two tablespoons of pimiento—chopped—cucumber, chopped—one-fourth teaspoon chile powder, two tablespoons hot milk, one-half whipped egg; beat up until light, fill potato shell. Place two strips of bacon on top, set in oven until bacon is crisp. Garnish with stripe of pimiento and parsley.
Mexican Baked Macaroni or Spaghetti
Cook and drain macaroni or spaghetti, two cups of either; heat one-fourth cup olive oil, add clove of garlic and one-half cup chipped dried beef, cook until beef curls, add tablespoon flour, brown, add one-half cup chopped mushrooms, two tablespoons green chile pulp, one large pimiento chopped fine, add two cups tomatoes, cook all together, salt to taste, mix with macaroni, put in baking dish, cover with grated Mexican cheese (Queso Mexicano), bake till cheese is melted.
Calabasas (Summer Squash)
Cook round summer squash in salted water until tender; remove centers. Mix with egg, bread crumbs and grated cheese, salt and chile powder. Fill center of squash, pile high, sprinkle with cheese, and bits of butter; bake in a hot oven. Garnish with bits of red chile pepper and chopped parsley mixed with a little hot butter.