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US Cuisine

  • Creating the Classic Cheeseburger

    Creating the Classic Cheeseburger

    Here’s a recipe for the restaurant’s classic cheeseburger, the Rocket Single: Ingredients: Hamburger bun Special sauce (mix Thousand Island dressing, Dijon mustard and hot sauce to taste) 1 slice of cheddar cheese 1/3 lb. fresh ground beef, seasoned, hand-pressed and grilled Fresh lettuce Ripe tomato Onion (sliced) Directions: Grill the hamburger, according to preference, until its internal temperature reaches 160ยบ F. Place cheese on top and cover for another 30 seconds. Place in a bun. Mix dressing and spread it on the bun. Layer on tomato, lettuce and onion. How do you make a hamburger a classic? Grill the meat with the cheese on the top, says one popular hamburger chain. Cover for 30 seconds to make the cheese melt perfectly.

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  • Delicious Easy Parsley Potatoes

    Delicious Easy Parsley Potatoes

    Regardless of how you fix them, whether diced, sliced, mashed or baked, potatoes are the most popular vegetable in America, and a pantry staple. Most Americans include some form of potato product in one out of three meals they eat daily. Potatoes, when prepared well, and without added fat, are a wonderful source of nutritional energy. When shopping for potatoes, choose ones that are firm, smooth, and have no spots and sprouts. If a potato is rather green in appearance it indicates sunburn or light exposure and should be avoided. Find the proper potato for the dish that you are preparing. Waxy or boiling potatoes are better suited for soups, salads or barbequing. Be sure to store potatoes in a dark, dry, cool area. Temperatures above 50 F cause potatoes to sprout and shrivel.…

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  • Magic Baked Salmon

    Magic Baked Salmon

    Salmon has become one of the most popular fish to serve. People love the taste, and salmon cooks quickly, making it a great option for both weeknights and weekends. If you want to prepare salmon, remember to purchase the freshest fillets you can. Keep the fish refrigerated until you are ready to cook it, and always prepare it on a clean, dry surface. In order to eliminate a strong oily taste, remove the skin as soon as possible. If you are looking for a great way to liven up your salmon dish, you may want to try my Salmon Magic. This seasoning blend is a flavorful combination of dill, mustard seed, herbs and spices with just the right amount of salt and sugar, creating a versatile blend for all salmon recipes. The distinct flavors enhance the natural goodness of salmon or any other type…

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