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Other Cuisines

  • New Zealand Glazed Snapper with Vanilla Saffron

    New Zealand Glazed Snapper with Vanilla Saffron

    Ingredients: 4 vine-ripened tomatoes 12 baby gourmet potatoes 4 medium fillets of fresh snapper 1 cup fresh arugula For Vanilla Saffron Aioli 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon ground New Zealand or regular saffron 1 vanilla pod or 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon fine salt 1 egg yolk 6 oz. grape seed oil For Lemon Caramel 1/2 cup sugar 2 tablespoons water 1/2 teaspoon salt Juice of 1 lemon Directions: Place tomatoes on a tray of rock salt in the oven at 320° F and roast until skins begin to split. Remove from oven and keep warm. Slice potatoes into thin slices and pan fry in olive oil with sea salt till golden and crispy. In a large pan, fry the snapper (sprinkled with sea salt) skin-side-down until golden. Turn the fillets over to finish cooking the fish. To stop…

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  • How to Make Authentic Mexican Ceviche

    When I mention the word “ceviche” to people I am usually questioned, “what the ___is that?” After they taste my recipe for true Mexican ceviche they are begging me to teach them how to make it. First let me explain why I call it authentic Mexican ceviche. So what is it and how do I make it? Well, for starters there are several different types of ceviche. It can be made from Conch, a large shellfish found all over the Caribbean, shrimp, or a white meat fish such as snapper, trout, etc. We used Spanish Mackerel a lot as well when I was in Cancun. The recipe is the same regardless of the meat you choose so let me begin. For a refreshing snack that will feed six to eight people you will want about a pound of meat filleted and deboned. You will need a couple of large tomatoes, several…

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  • The Best Food Cuba has to Offer

    The Best Food Cuba has to Offer

    Cuba is famed for its beaches, diving, lifestyle and dancing. But one aspect of the Cuban holiday which is often overlooked is the Cuban cuisine, which is unfortunate because the mixture of cultures combine to make a truly unique combination of flavors and textures. The country’s cultural influences are so diverse as to create a unique flavor to the food – a mix of Spanish, Chinese, African, Portuguese, French and Arabic. Yet these global influences are completed by indigenous local food stuffs – yucca, malanga and boniato are local root vegetables routinely used in Cuban food. The main meats used in Cuban cuisine are chicken, pork and beef (though the latter is subject to rationing as government property, so is harder to find) usually marinated in citrus juices and slowly roasted…

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