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  • Spanish Stuffed Peppers

    Spanish Stuffed Peppers

    Stuffed Chile Pepper Fry chile peppers until they puff under skin; cool and peel; cut out stem, and with a spoon remove seed. Prepare a mixture of any kind of meat, to a cup of meat, one tablespoon of chopped onion, one clove garlic, one-half cup tomatoes, one-half cup of sliced olives, one-fourth raisins—chopped very fine. Add one tablespoon vinegar, and cook in two tablespoons hot lard; cool and fill the chile peppers. Beat desired number of eggs separately, add a tablespoon flour, one of milk to each egg, and season with salt and red pepper. Dip chile in batter, and fry brown in hot lard, drain, sprinkle with chopped parsley; serve hot. A prepared sauce may be served over chile or a white sauce with apple, raisins, peach preserves or marmalades added to desired taste.…

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     PEA SOUP Zuppa di Piselli 1 pint peas; fresh peas, canned peas or dried peas soaked over night 2 tablespoons oil or butter substitute 1 small onion 1 small carrot A sprig of parsley 2 oz. ham, fat and lean A piece of celery A bay leaf Salt, pepper Chop fine or put through a meat grinder the ham, onion, carrot and celery, add the parsley chopped or clipped fine with scissors, and the bay leaf. Fry all this in the oil until it is golden brown, but not at all scorched. Add one pint of boiling water and the peas. If this cooks away add more water as needed until the peas are tender. Rub the soup through a sieve. Serve this soup garnished with croutons or toast triangles, and send a dish of grated cheese to the table with it to be added according to individual…

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    CHICKEN CROQUETTES—Stir a pint of fine chopped chicken into a cup and a quarter of sauce made of one-third cup[Pg 36] of flour, three tablespoons of butter, a cup of chicken stock and one-fourth cup of cream, season with a few drops of onion juice, a teaspoon of lemon, one teaspoonful celery salt and pepper. When thoroughly chilled form into cylindrical shapes, roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat. Serve surrounded with peas and figures stamped upon cooked slices of carrot. Season with salt, paprika and butter. CHICKEN CROQUETTES—Take two chickens weighing about two pounds each, put them into a saucepan with water to cover, add two onions and carrots, a small bunch of parsley and thyme, a few cloves and half a grated nutmeg, and boil until birds are tender; then remove the…

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