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  • Ensaladas Espanol

    Ensaladas Espanol

    “Ensaladas Espanol” (Spanish salads) Prepared Vinegar for Spanish Salad Dressing Put a button of garlic, large slice cucumber, slice onion, tablespoon parsley, tablespoon taragon leaves, or two tablespoons taragon vinegar into one pint cider vinegar. Bottle and let stand several days, strain and keep for following salads and dressings. Especially Prepared Dressings Spanish Dressing No. 1 Rub mixing bowl with button of garlic, break into bowl one egg yolk, whip stiff, add one-fourth cup best olive oil slowly, then one-fourth cup lemon juice, tablespoon prepared vinegar, teaspoon sugar, half teaspoon salt, tablespoon green chile pulp. Very fine. {26} Spanish Dressing No. 2 Six tablespoons of best olive oil in bowl, add gradually three tablespoons lemon juice and one of prepared…

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  • Aubergine Salad with Yogurt

    Aubergine Salad with Yogurt

    Aubergine Salad with Yogurt Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 lb aubergines 1 garlic clove, finely minced 1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped 1 cup of natural yogurt Fresh lemon juice Mixed lettuce leaves Instructions: Preheat the oven to moderate heat. Bake the whole aubergines in a moderately hot oven until they are tender. Allow to cool, then chop and place into a bowl, together with the garlic and yogurt. Stir well and chill for at least an hour. Serve the aubergine mixture on a bed of mixed lettuce and sprinkle with parsley and fresh lemon…

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