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  • Essential Ingredients of Thai Cooking

    Essential Ingredients of Thai Cooking

    Bamboo Shoots: Bamboo shoots are called for in many Thai recipes. In order to prepare a bamboo shoot for cooking you need to peel them and boil the white inner stalks for 30 minutes in water. If you are using canned bamboo shoots you will only need to boil them for 10 minutes, or if they are going into curries or soups, boiling might not be required. Basil (fresh): There are three types of basil used in Thai cooking; sweet, holy and lemon. Sweet basil is much easier to find because it is commonly used in western cooking. Holy basil has a spicier taste and can be recognized by it’s slightly purple leaves. Lemon basil has a lemony flavor and can be detected by its distinct lemony scent. If you can only find sweet basil you can compensate for holy or lemon basil by adding finely chopped…

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  • Decadent Chocolate Dessert Recipes

    Decadent Chocolate Dessert Recipes

    People now days have little time to cook decent meals for themselves and their family let alone find the time to make a dessert of any kind. There is however nothing better than enjoying a home-made dessert and what with the huge selection of dessert, especially chocolate dessert, recipes to choose from it is easier than you think. Although a lot of them aren’t too bad, we are not talking about boxed cake or cookie mixes here. Home-made chocolate dessert recipes will take some time to prepare and a little more time to perfect but the effort will be well worth it. Just take a quick look at some ideas you may never have even thought of before. Apple Chocolate Chip Dessert Pizza Black & White Chocolate Tartlets Chocolate And Peanut Butter Blondies Black and White Chocolate-Dipped…

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  • A Look at Cantonese Cuisine

    A Look at Cantonese Cuisine

    Easily the most well-known of the Chinese regional cuisines, Cantonese cuisine comes from the region around Canton in Southern China. Simple spices and a wide variety of foods used in cooking characterize Cantonese cuisine. Of all the Chinese regions, Canton (Guangdong province) has the most available food resources. Its proximity to the sea offers a veritable marine cornucopia to be added to its dishes, making possible such delicate matings as Seven Happiness, a dish that includes shrimp, scallops, fish and lobster along with chicken, beef and pork. The light, delicate sauce, quick cooking and subtle spicing allows the natural flavors to shine through rather than being overwhelmed and blending together. The spices used in Cantonese cooking tend to be light and simple: ginger, salt, soy…

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