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  • How to Make Incredible Pan Sauces

    If you want to elevate your cooking skills to a new level and add a whole lot more to your gastronomy repertoire, learn how to make a simple pan sauce. With this technique in your cooking bag of tricks, you can turn a simple pan-fried steak into a mouth-watering meal, a plain boneless chicken breast into a delicious feast, or a modest pork chop into a scrumptious banquet. Ok, maybe I’m stretching a bit but check this out. Restaurants chefs use this technique all the time. Basically they cook something in a sauté pan over pretty high heat until it’s done and leaves a bunch of brown caramelize bits of “stuff” in the pan. You look at this “stuff” in the pan and say to yourself, “Now how am I going to clean this ‘stuff’ off the pan? What…

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  • Perfect Scrambled Eggs

    Perfect Scrambled Eggs

    The truth is that scrambled eggs are easy to make. Unfortunately, they are also the easy to make wrong. At a root level, scrambled eggs are simply beaten eggs which are fried and – for lack of a better word – scrambled. Like most things that are simple (take love and martinis as examples), people have found ways to make them needlessly complex. No cheese. No overt flavorings. Just eggs and what it takes to make them taste and look like great eggs. What NOT to add Cottage Cheese: Several recipes I encountered recommended whisking a Tablespoon of small curd cottage cheese in with each egg. Visually, the result was creamy and mildly fluffy scrambled eggs. In terms of taste, the cottage cheese did not contribute or detract from the eggs — but it did make the dish seem…

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  • Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

    Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe

    Ingredients: 1 1/4 cups graham cracker crumbs 2 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons butter or margarine melted 2 pounds cream cheese 1 cup sugar 8 ounces sour cream 1/4 cup cocoa 2 eggs 1 cup flour 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream Directions: In a 5 quart mixing bowl place 2 pounds of cream cheese and 1 cup granulated sugar and mix on low speed until cream cheese is softened and smooth, place in bowl 8 ounces sour cream and continue mixing until well blended, at this time add 2 eggs, mix for 2 minutes then add 1 cup flour, 1/4 cup cocoa, and 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream, mix on second speed until smooth and creamy. At this time your cheesecake mixture should be fluffy like ice cream as it comes out of the ice cream machine. Prepare your 10 inch x 2 inches spring form pan, in a large bowl place…

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