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  • How to Pep Up Your Dishes with Tofu

    Fried tofu Fried tofu recipes are perhaps the most popular dishes involving tofu. When fried, tofu packs in a lot of flavor. What could otherwise be a very bland dish is made better by the sauce that the tofu creates for itself when fried. Fried tofu recipes have always been popular in Asian countries, where tofu first originated. Like other fried tofu recipes, this recipe is fairly simple but it features an exotic sauce. For this recipe, you will need: 1 pound tofu, 3 cups olive oil for frying, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 1 sliced scallion, 2 tablespoons minced cilantro, 1 clove minced garlic, ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes, ½ teaspoon vinegar, and ½ teaspoon sugar. First place the tofu on a plate. And then cover with a second plate and a weight on top so that the tofu can drain. The tofu…

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  • Salad Dressing Recipes

    Salad Dressing Recipes

    What makes or brakes a salad is the dressing. Although it does not easily grab our attention, these so-called silent ingredients play a very crucial role in determining the outcome of a salad. Tossed with the wrong dressing and the freshest ingredients lose their taste. Salad dressings are like icings on a cake so to speak. They give that final touch, the magic that makes salads come alive. Listed below are some salad dressing recipes that one can choose from to come up with that special salad one might have in mind. APPLE VINAIGRETTE Ingredients: 1/2 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley 1/4 cup cider vinegar 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup apple juice 3 whole fresh basil leaves 1 teaspoon honey 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon dry mustard 1/8 teaspoon ground black…

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  • Cooking With Eggs

    Cooking With Eggs

    We use eggs in so many recipes. They are a staple in the kitchen. An egg can be cooked alone – boiled, poached, fried, scrambled. It used as an ingredient in baking, batters and cakes. Alternatively use an egg to thicken sauces or to add air to lighten dishes. The egg is truly amazing. And without it – well our menus sure would be dull. But do you know much about the egg? Chances are that you have never even given it a thought. Well it is time you did. The most critical aspect of the egg is – it’s air content. (bet you thought I was going to say the shell). When first laid, the egg has barely any air inside a tiny air pocket. However, because the shell is porous, it allows air to penetrate. And as time passes, air moves inside the egg and the air pocket grows. As this air pocket…

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